Institution name: BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology
Comments: Default comments

This file doesn't list limits that are set by constraints. It contains statistics about the min and max values of the currently calculated solution.

BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology
All studentsHours per weekFree daysGapsGaps per dayHours per day
Timetable generated with FET 5.48.2 on 3/22/21 6:55 PM

BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology
YearMin hours per weekMax hours per weekMin free daysMax free daysMin hours per dayMax hours per dayMin gaps per weekMax gaps per weekMin gaps per dayMax gaps per day
Second Semester263000450301
Fourth Semester303000550000
Sixth Semester243000450000
Second Semester PG222200340000
Timetable generated with FET 5.48.2 on 3/22/21 6:55 PM

BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology
GroupMin hours per weekMax hours per weekMin free daysMax free daysMin hours per dayMax hours per dayMin gaps per weekMax gaps per weekMin gaps per dayMax gaps per day
I B.Com (Gen) A Shift I 20303000550000
I B.Com (Gen) B Shift I 20303000550000
I B.Com (Gen) C Shift II 20303000550000
I B.Com (Gen) D Shift II 20303000550000
I B.Com(AF) A Shift I 20303000550000
I B.Com(AF) B Shift II 20303000550000
I B.Com (Hons) A 20262800451301
I BBA(G) A 20262800450301
I BBA(FS) A 20303000550000
II B.Com (Gen) A 19303000550000
II B.Com (Gen) B 19303000550000
II B.Com (Gen) C 19303000550000
II B.Com (Gen) D Evg 19303000550000
II B.Com (A&F) A 19303000550000
II B.Com (A&F) B 19303000550000
II B.Com (Hons) A 19303000550000
II BBA (G)&(EFB) A 19303000550000
II BBA (FS) A 19303000550000
III B.Com (Gen) A 18303000550000
III B.Com (Gen) B 18303000550000
III B.Com (Gen) C 18303000550000
III B.Com (Gen) D 18303000550000
III B.Com (Gen) E 18303000550000
III B.Com (A&F) A 18303000550000
III B.Com (A&F) B 18303000550000
III BBA (FS) A 18242400440000
I M.Com (Gen) A 20222200340000
Timetable generated with FET 5.48.2 on 3/22/21 6:55 PM

BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology
SubgroupHours per weekFree daysTotal gapsMin gaps per dayMax gaps per dayMin hours per dayMax hours per day
I B.Com (Gen) A Shift I 20 Automatic Subgroup30000055
I B.Com (Gen) B Shift I 20 LNC 1282 German II30000055
I B.Com (Gen) B Shift I 20 LNC 1284 Tamil II30000055
I B.Com (Gen) C Shift II 20 LNC 1282 German II30000055
I B.Com (Gen) C Shift II 20 LNC 1284 Tamil II30000055
I B.Com (Gen) D Shift II 20 Automatic Subgroup30000055
I B.Com(AF) A Shift I 20 LNC 1282 German II30000055
I B.Com(AF) A Shift I 20 LNC 1284 Tamil II30000055
I B.Com(AF) B Shift II 20 LNC 1282 German II30000055
I B.Com(AF) B Shift II 20 LNC 1284 Tamil II30000055
B.Com Hons (A) 20 LNC 1282 German II28010145
B.Com Hons (A) 20 LNC 1284 Tamil II28010145
B.Com Hons (A) 20 COC 1223 Office Record & Management26030145
B.Com Hons (A) 20 LNC 1291 Basic Tamil II26030145
B.Com Hons (A) 20 LNC 1292 Advanced Tamil II26030145
BBA General (A) 20 LNC 1282 German II28000045
BBA General (A) 20 LNC 1284 Tamil II28000045
BBA General (A) 20 COC 1223 Office Record & Management26030145
BBA General (A) 20 LNC 1291 Basic Tamil II26030145
BBA General (A) 20 LNC 1292 Advanced Tamil II26030145
I BBA(FS) A 20 Automatic Subgroup30000055
II B.Com (Gen) A 19 Automatic Subgroup30000055
II B.Com (Gen) B 19 Automatic Subgroup30000055
II B.Com (Gen) C 19 Automatic Subgroup30000055
II B.Com (Gen) D Evg 19 Automatic Subgroup30000055
II B.Com (A&F) A 19 Automatic Subgroup30000055
II B.Com (A&F) B 19 Automatic Subgroup30000055
II B.Com (Hons) A 19 Automatic Subgroup30000055
II BBA (G)&(EFB) A 19 Automatic Subgroup30000055
II BBA (FS) A 19 Automatic Subgroup30000055
III B.Com (Gen) A 18 Automatic Subgroup30000055
III B.Com (Gen) B 18 Automatic Subgroup30000055
III B.Com (Gen) C 18 Automatic Subgroup30000055
III B.Com (Gen) D 18 Automatic Subgroup30000055
III B.Com (Gen) E 18 Automatic Subgroup30000055
III B.Com (A&F) A 18 Automatic Subgroup30000055
III B.Com (A&F) B 18 Automatic Subgroup30000055
III BBA (FS) A 18 Automatic Subgroup24000044
I M.Com (Gen) A 20 Automatic Subgroup22000034
Timetable generated with FET 5.48.2 on 3/22/21 6:55 PM